Lifecompass ministries
Encouraging, Equipping and Engaging the People of God for the Purpose of God.
About our organization
LifeCompass is a ministry where discipleship is our passion. Discipleship is the core foundational piece of God's plan for our growth and His glory. It is often neglected, overlooked and misunderstood. Evaluate your discipleship journey with these questions:
1. Am I being discipled?
2. Am I discipling someone?
3. Is my discipleship intentional?
4. Does it challenge me to risk for God?
5. Does it push me to grow?
6. Do I see God glorified in my journey?
We want to journey with you so that you can answer these questions with confidence, see both your intimacy and your knowledge of God grow, and see God glorified through your unique journey.
Discipleship Gap Year
To engage deeply and encourage potential so that students know God, obey God and make Him known.
Discipleship Creatives
Start a discipleship ministry with LifeCompass as a supporting partner.
Discipleship Initiatives
Retreats, seminars and workshops on leadership, discipleship and one on one virtual coaching.
Austin, Gap Year Student
Adam Jones, Harbor House Foundation